About Us
What Voge Fashion Runway
Is All About?
VOGE is the most significant event geared toward independent fashion brands and was founded in 2004. VOGE has displayed the collections of some of fashion's most powerful independent fashion labels.
Over 400+ brands have been featured at this highly anticipated event and Voge Fashion Runway has been featured in many notable publications including New York Times Fashion & Beauty, IFashion Magazine, World Fashion Media News, World Class Designers Magazine, and More...
VOGE has a history of enhancing the careers of its participants and is always on the hunt for emerging designers who are eager to take their businesses to the next level.
Since the birth of Voge Fashion Runway LLC in 2004 CEO Junior has made it his mission to help emerging designers showcase their talent in NYFW. Junior has now taken the name and developed an agency Ema Modeling Agency to help models break into the fashion industry.
Junior has been known to break boundaries when it comes to his shows with diversity, age, and height inclusion. Junior plans to continue the legacy with Ema Modeling Agency LLC by accepting all beauty outside of the industry's standards.
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VOGE has created an independent network of international and United States domestic Fashion Week show productions not affiliated with any other industry association.
Affordability – Designer fashion brands are looking for better value on their budget spend. Designer participation in many Fashion Week productions is expensive. Coupled with travel expenses or product material expenses, a typical designer Fashion Week participation can easily cost thousands of dollars in one year to showcase their designer collection during New York Fashion Week.
Fashion Week Show Cost – A fashion designer can buy a small car for the price of showcasing their fashion design brand at some Fashion Week show productions – multiply that by three to five trade shows per year and it comes to quite an investment.
Expectation Level – Fashion Designers may be smarter today than they were 20 years ago. In the past, many fell into the industry by accident. Today, fashion designers have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in fashion design and business management. They expect more from any Fashion Week show production
Each Fashion Week season only 35 position opportunities will be available for emerging Fashion Designer brand collections to apply to be featured in the VOGE Fashion Runway “Designer Showcase Presentation”. Our Designer Showcases will take place in the heart of The U.S. during the Fashion Week seasons in the United States. Fashion Designers can capitalize on their one-day presentation which will allow them to present their brand collection to potential clients, retail fashion store/boutique owners, buyers, general managers, potential investors, trade organizations, editors, bloggers, the public, media, and the press. Designers will talk to audience attendees firsthand directly after their showcase via our media/press junket – Fashion Designers should get ready to showcase and invest in their fashion brand and show why they’re a hot Emerging fashion brand.